As SME TradeLinks, we are proud to announce our 2022 Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) SMME Incubation Programme and invite Gauteng-based SMMEs that provide goods and services to the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) sector of the tourism industry to apply for participation in this fully funded incubation programme.

Our 2022 ESD Incubation Programme will include business skills training, mentoring, coaching, market access opportunities, and the development of an innovative and forward-looking business growth plan each participating SMME will be required to develop as their capstone project for the programme. The ESD programme will run from August to December 2022.

To be eligible for consideration, an SMME must meet the following criteria:

– Valid CIPC registration

– Registration with SARS

– Proof of a bank account in the name of the business

– At least 51% black ownership, or

– At least 30% black woman ownership

– Must have been in operations for at least a year.

SMMEs interested in this opportunity are invited to send their company profile to by no later than 12 July 2022 for consideration. Places are very limited.

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